I do research in empirical corporate finance, corporate governance, and sustainable finance.
I am a recipient of the 2021 Lamfalussy Research Fellowship from the European Central Bank (ECB) as well as a Research Affiliate at the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR). I have also received 2022 Rising Star Award from the International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN). I worked as an Assistant Professor of Finance at the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management from August 2020 to July 2022 and in August 2022, I joined the University of Bern. Since 2022, I have been a Visiting Professor at the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management. I also have a blog on ESG ratings that you can access at www.clarityinesg.com.
with Rüdiger Fahlenbrach, René M. Stulz, and Jérôme Taillard
Abstract: Using more than 50,000 firm-years from 1988 to 2015, we show that the empirical relation between a firm’s Tobin’s q and managerial ownership is systematically negative. When we restrict our sample to larger firms as in the prior literature, our findings are consistent with the literature, showing that there is an increasing and concave relation between q and managerial ownership. We show that these seemingly contradictory results are explained by cumulative past performance and liquidity. Better performing firms have more liquid equity, which enables insiders to more easily sell shares after the IPO, and they also have a higher Tobin’s q.
with Florian Berg and Zacharias Sautner
Abstract: The explosion in ESG research has led to a strong reliance on ESG rating providers. We document widespread changes to the historical ratings of a key rating provider, Refinitiv ESG (formerly ASSET4). Depending on whether the original or rewritten data are used, ESG-based classifications of firms into ESG quantiles and tests that relate ESG scores to returns change. While there is a positive link between ESG scores and firms’ stock market performance in the rewritten data, we fail to observe such a relationship in the initial data. The ESG data rewriting is an ongoing rather than a one-off phenomenon.
(December 2024)
Abstract: I study the quality of the governance pillar of environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) ratings. Since 2018, ESG integration strategies, many of which rely on ESG ratings, have dominated the ESG investing sphere. I examine the governance ratings’ ability to provide useful information to shareholders. My results not only suggest rather limited success in predicting relevant firm outcomes (such as financial-statement restatements, governance incidents, class action lawsuits, operating performance, firm value, stock returns, and credit ratings), but in the case of most raters, I identify multiple instances of counterintuitive results, that is, with the opposite direction of the effect.
(March 2019)
Abstract: This paper presents the first large-scale empirical analysis of the pledging phenomenon among U.S. CEOs. Between 2007 and 2016, 7.6% of publicly listed U.S. firms disclosed that their CEOs had pledged company stock as collateral for a loan. On average, CEOs pledge 38% of their shares. The mean loan value is an economically sizeable $65 million. CEOs use the funds to either double down (6.0%), hedge their ownership (3.5%), or to obtain liquidity while maintaining ownership (90.5%). My event study results reveal that stock market participants view pledging as value-enhancing, but perceive significant pledging as value-destroying. Similarly, I find no evidence of its negative shareholder value consequences, except for CEOs who engage in significant pledging.
with Michael Ryf, Larissa Schäfer and Sascha Steffen
(October 2021)
Abstract: A methodology change of an ESG rating provider introduces plausibly exogenous variation in firms’ ESG ratings, which allows us to study their effect on the cost of debt of U.S. firms. We find that loans spreads of downgraded ESG-rated firms in the secondary corporate loan market increase by about 10% compared to non-downgraded ESG-rated firms and compared to before the rating downgrade. ESG rating downgrades do not increase fundamental default risk of the firm but the premium charged by lenders above the spread for default risk. We find that the effect is stronger for firms that are more financially constrained and firms that are more exposed to ESG and, particularly, climate risk concerns. Importantly, we find that also loan spreads of private (unrated) firms in industries especially affected by ESG rating downgrades increased after the methodology change.
(December 2022)
with Sophie-Dorothee Rotermund
Abstract: In 2020, ESG integration surpassed exclusionary screening-based strategies and became the largest sustainable investment strategy globally. Despite their numerous flaws, ESG ratings continue to shape the investment process. We therefore provide an overview of the most common issues that researchers and practitioners should be aware of when working with ESG ratings. The issues we identify pertain to ISS ESG, MSCI ESG, Sustainalytics ESG, S&P ESG, and Refinitiv ESG ratings, among others.
2025: CFA Society Slovakia: ESG Investment Summit, conference (scheduled)
2025: CFA Society webinar
2024: CFA Society Slovakia: ESG Investment Summit, conference
* by a co-author
2024: European Winter Finance Summit (EWFS), Davos, Switzerland
2023: Annual Research Conference at the Nederlandsche Bank (DNB), Amsterdam, Netherlands
2023: CEPR 9th IWH-FIN-FIRE Workshop, Halle, Germany
2023: European Finance Association (EFA), Amsterdam, Netherlands
2023: University of Luxembourg, 2nd Conference in Sustainable Finance, Luxembourg
2023: Workshop on “Shareholder Voting, Proxy Voting Guidelines, and Proxy VotingAdvisors”, Zurich, Switzerland
2022: European Financial Management Association (EFMA), Rome, Italy
2022: Financial Intermediation Research Society (FIRS), Budapest, Hungary
2022: Global Corporate Governance Colloquium (GCGC), Oxford, United Kingdom
2022: European Winter Finance Summit (EWFS), Zermatt, Switzerland
2022: American Finance Association (AFA) Annual Meeting, virtual
2021: 27th Annual Meeting of the German Finance Association (DGF) 2021, Innsbruck, Austria
2021: SAFE Policy Workshop on Green Finance, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
2021: Junior European Finance (JEF) Seminar on Banking and Impact Investing, virtual
2021: China International Conference in Finance (CICF), virtual
2021: 11th Biennial Conference of the Czech Economic Society (CES), virtual
2021: Junior European Finance (JEF) Seminar, virtual
2020: Swiss Finance Institute (SFI) Research Days, virtual
2018: College of Management of Technology (CDM) award for outstanding teaching
2022: Winner of the Best Paper Award at the 2022 Cornell University ESG Investing Research Conference, USD 10,000
2022: Best Paper Award at the ECGI 2022 Corporate Governance Symposium: John L. Weinberg/IRRCi Research Award from the Weinberg Center at the University of Delaware, USD 10,000
2021: Lamfalussy Fellowship, European Central Bank, EUR 10,000
2015: Swiss Finance Institute PhD Program Scholarship, Léman campus, CHF 30,000
Lausanne, Switzerland
September 2013 - February 2014
EPFL, 2018 - 2020, English
Level: EMBA
Course textbook: Corporate Finance by Jonathan B. Berk and Peter DeMarzo
Role: Teaching assistant
EPFL, 2016 - 2020, English
Level: Master
Course textbook: Corporate Finance by Jonathan B. Berk and Peter DeMarzo
Role: Teaching assistant
LMU, 2011-2012, German
Level: Bachelor
Course textbook: Einführung in die Betriebswirtschaftslehre by Werner Neus
Role: Teaching assistant
Professor Rüdiger Fahlenbrach
Everett D. Reese Chair of Banking and Monetary Economics and the Director of the Dice Center for Research in Financial Economics at The Ohio State University
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